PsychCHAT is a service by one-Link to connect primary care providers and Psychiatrists via telephone for non urgent adult general psychiatry advice and recommendations regarding patients in your practice.
How to Refer
This Service is currently offered only to primary care providers practicing throughout Halton Region (Including Burlington) and Mississauga
This Service is provided by Halton Healthcare affiliated psychiatrists
Primary Care Provider – Seeking general advice regarding a patient of your practice?
Please complete the PsychCHAT request form
Primary Care Provider – Seeking advice for yourself?
If you are a primary care physician seeking support for yourself, please contact the OMA Physician Health Program at 1-800-851-6606 or email
Not a physician? – Seeking supports for yourself or family/friend
If you are an individual seeking assistance for yourself or someone else’s mental health or substance use concerns please
Supports Offered
- General recommendations regarding assessment, management and treatment of mental health & addiction needs
- Learning opportunities – education and practical advice
- 5-10 minute brief telephone interaction
PsychCHAT DOES NOT provide
- Completion of a referral for an assessment
- Appointment booking
- Arranging a transfer
- Arranging a hospital bed
- Informing the referring physician of results of an assessment
- A consultation on the care of an identified individual
- Fast-track referrals