What is one-Link?

What is one-Link?

one-Link has been connecting individuals to addictions and mental health services in Mississauga and Halton since 2015. one-Link makes it easier. We eliminate the guesswork, refer you to the services you need, and support you through the process. All you need to do is reach out to us. We will work together with you to understand what you need and work to get you connected.

How does it work?

You can call one-Link directly or have your family physician or health care provider complete the online referral form. Once we receive your referral, it is reviewed by a one-Link Service Coordinator. They will either contact you by telephone to discuss your service needs, or they will forward the referral directly to the right government funded addictions and mental health service. If you need a service outside of what one-Link can offer, we will do our best to link you directly. While you are waiting for our services to start, our Peer Mentor staff are available to provide you with telephone-based support. You are welcome to contact us directly to discuss your referral at any time.

Our Staff

Service Coordinators

Experienced professionals who have worked in a variety of settings including addictions assessment and treatment, mental health assessment and treatment, housing supports, case management, crisis management, and coordinated access. These staff members will review your referral form, speak to you over the phone to clarify information and get your appointment set-up.

Peer Mentors

Individuals who have lived through their own challenges with addictions or mental health and have engaged in specialized training to be able to help others who are struggling with similar circumstances.

Please proceed to our referrals page to complete a form.