Frequently Asked Questions
What Services are available through one-Link?
- Short-term psychiatric consultation
- Mental health treatment
- Early psychosis intervention
- Addictions treatment
- Employment support
- Supportive housing
How do I know what help is best for me?
If you decide to use addictions or mental health services, the first step is usually to get an assessment. This will help identify the problem you are having and identify the services that could be helpful.
Who can refer me?
We accept referrals from primary care physicians, service providers, and self-referrals.
Please contact us at 905-338-4123 or toll-free at 1-844-216-7411 if you or someone you care about is experiencing mental health and/or addictions challenges.
Please note for many services a physician referral and OHIP billing number is required.
Please proceed to our referrals page for access to the form.
How long will I have to wait?
Wait times at one-Link vary based on how many referrals we receive at the same time. After we receive your referral it takes anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to review the information, speak with you and complete all the paperwork to match you to the right service.
Wait times at the organizations we refer you to vary, so it is impossible to give an exact wait time. Some services can be accessed within a few days; others can be as long as 8-12 months. one-Link Peer Mentors are there to support you while you wait so you will have continual access to support.
Do I need a formal diagnosis to qualify for one-Link?
Not necessarily, we would still proceed with the application process and determine eligibility according to assessment outcomes. In the assessment we would be looking at the difficulties you are experiencing and the level of support you need.
What geographical areas does one-Link serve?
one-Link is the coordinated access service for referrals within the Mississauga Halton area LHIN funded Addictions and Mental Health Service Providers. For services outside of this area, please contact Connex Ontario for the most appropriate resources.
Is there a fee for the services available through one-Link?
No, there are no fees for any of our services.
Is one-Link confidential? How will you ensure my privacy?
one-Link is operated by Halton Healthcare and is governed by privacy legislation. You can learn more about your rights and privacy here.
Will one-Link be able to understand me well enough to provide an accurate referral?
one-Link Service Coordinators are extensively trained in standardized phone intake and assessments. Any information gathered is specific to addictions and mental health needs and required to make accurate referrals.
one-Link utilizes professional interpreter services whenever required.
How are clients matched to services?
A one-Link Service Coordinator will review the information provided on the referral form. If there are multiple options to refer to, they will speak to you in person to clarify your needs and get your input. Using this information, they will match you to the services that are best suited to help you based on best practices of what helps people. If there are multiple options, they will consider what services are closest to where you live and find the service with the shortest wait time.
I’ve been helped by a specific service provider in the past and I want to go back to them.
If you have already been helped by a Service Provider, we encourage you re-connect directly with them to see what the next step is to start receiving support again.
You may also call one-Link at any time to share this information and we will work to connect you.
The services one-Link sent me to didn’t help.
one-Link is only able to match you to existing services available within our community. If you need a service outside of what one-Link can offer, we’ll do our best to link you directly. Once you begin receiving the services, you will set goals for what you would like to change. If you meet these goals over time, the therapy is probably working.
It is important for your recovery that there is a good relationship between you and the therapist. You may need to try more than one therapist to find one you are comfortable with. Results do not necessarily happen overnight. In fact, you may feel worse at the start as issues are brought to the surface.